cosmo is a shitzu who was adopted by me and my family on 2/28/21. he is the silliest creature to ever live.

he loves fetch, he wants to play 24/7. many people say this makes him annoying, but as a fellow autistic i understand and accept his special interest. he loves fetch so much that he will play it with anything he can get his hands on. toys, socks, blankets, paper bowls, pinecones, etc. etc.

he has no concept of what objects are actually throwable and which arent, so if he brings paper he is shocked to learn no one can throw it for him. if one of his toys gets dropped into a cardboard box, he will tear apart the box completely just to get it out.

he is extremely friendly to literally everyone, and he loves to chill in baskets or on your lap.

as you may have noticed, he has very humanlike eyes. this is because he is a human soul trapped in the body of a dog. this was most obvious when he was shaven clean by the vet, which was absolutely terrifying.

wanna play a game? spot every "toy" (theres a LOT)

cosmo has two older siblings: winnie and blossom, they are both 5 years old. winnie is a pekanese-poodle mix, she loves attention and is very good at communicating to the point it almost feels like she can talk to you. cosmo copies everything she does, and when cosmo does something wrong she is very quick to correct him. blossom is a cat (i know nothing about cat breeds, i assume shes a domestic shorthair or something) shes friendly but very easily spooked. she likes to sit perched on the stair banister and swat at everyone as they pass by.

i have a lot of pictures of blossom (who we rarely refer to as blossom, she is usually just "the cat"), but winnie is notoriously hard to photograph so i have a lot less of her.